Tuesday, September 22, 2009

She's here!!

My 37 week belly!

It's been awhile since I've made my way over here to update!

Presley made her appearance a little earlier than planned. We weren’t quite ready as far as having everything taken care of at home and work. I was certainly ready for her to be out, though!

August 26 I was scheduled for my 37 week appt (I was 37w 4d). Eloy left work to come with me to make sure my doctor would give me a note for work because I was SO miserable. My feet were water balloons, my back hurt all the time…it was just exhausting to get up and get ready, much less work for almost 9 hours a day. Well, we get into the little patient rooms and a nurse comes in and does the entire prelim stuff. My BP was high, 185/112. She had me lay on my left side for 5 minutes and she came back and did it again. I’m not sure what it was the 2nd time around, but it was still high. I knew I was supposed to be checked today by the doc, but the nurse didn’t give me my gown…the doctor came in and commented on how high my BP was, and went on to explain the symptoms of Pre-E. Which come to find out, my side was having horrible pains the weekend before, which was apart of it all.

She gave me the gown to change into so she could check me. I was a 3, and while she was doing that, she went ahead and stripped my membranes. When she was done, she kindly informed us we’re “going next door to have a baby!” “Uhmm, we’re what?!” She said my BP was way too high for her comfort, I was full term (growth sono said she was 7 ½ lbs.), so she’d be safe to come out now. This is all at about 3-4pm.

I get wheeled on over to L&D, hooked up and IV dripped. The nurse came in to explain everything, and she was AMAZING at explaining my doctor’s concern for baby and I. Around 5-6 I was started on Magnesium and Pitocin. I’ve heard horror stories for both and actually neither really bothered me at all. Magnesium just made me burn up, but that’s it. Poor Eloy froze that night! Then the doctor came to see me and break my water. A little after that, my contractions were getting pretty strong and the nurse suggested I get an Epidural. She said they’re known to lower BP and right now that’d be what’s best for the baby. (I didn’t necessarily want the Epidural originally.)

At 9:45 I started pushing and Miss Priss was born at 10:22! Apparently, my whole laboring experience was easy! Not like I have anything to compare it to : )

I had to stay overnight into the next night in L&D because my doctor wanted to leave me on Magnesium for 24 hours AFTER Presley was born. I didn’t see the Post Partum room until 2am on the 28th. I think I stayed there 12 hours total…I came home Friday afternoon.

On our way home!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Enjoy the ride of motherhood its quite the roller coaster (and yes there is lots of vomit involved!) but its wonderful in every way.
