Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rainy day at Canton

Presley...she's the reason I do the crazy things I do!! haha. Eloy mentioned this morning "wanna go to canton?" ehh, I thought. NOT really...Well, the more I thought about it the more I didn't wanna sit at home all day and do nothing, which is probably what we would have done. So, later I asked him if he was serious and he said no, but I was like, well, let's go. I started to think about it more and more and wanted to go!! Last time we went was HORRIBLE!! I was probably 5-6 months...and it was so hot! My nose bled for about 15 minutes and it was all around bad. At that time I decided the next time I went pregnant (IF!) I would rent a scooter : )

So, first things first when we got there today! Scouted out a scooter...apparently they were in high demand, or always are for all I know. The first place they were all dead...the 2nd place the last one had a flat tire. Great. God doesn't want me at Canton...orrr at Canton in a scooter! We finally found 2 guys who said they rented theirs wayyy up a hill (what?!). we walked all the way up to the hill, and over the hill, and beyond this danged hill! Phew..they had a ton. So, I got me a scooter : )

Fast forward MAYBE an hour. It starts POURING rain. Like, buckets upon buckets. I was in an arbor, thank goodness, but by myself. Eloy ended up coming to find me and we just waited out the rain for a good 45 minutes. Finally it died down enough to move arbors. By this time it's almost 4 and we had to return the scooter by 5. We barely got to look around, it seemed like! It was all VERY rushed.

I decided the next time, if there is one, we need to get an earlier start. That, and I'm taking my Presley-loving self to a Peddler show, which is INDOORS : ) And about 10 minutes from my house, even better!

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